Wednesday, June 26, 2013

HW # 8

C.2 #1-3 

1.    a) 100 grams   b) 45 grams

2.    a) 10 grams    b) 20 grams

3.    a) 88 grams   b) 80 grams

1SCS #1-8

1. This is because solutes dissolve more easily in higher temperatures.

2. 48 grams

3. a) 200    b) 710    c) 1,892

4. a) NaCl, KCl, KNO3      b) KNO3, KCl, NaCl

5. A saturates solution is a a solution with substances that are not dissolved. An unsaturated solution is a solution that contains less dissolved solute than the amount that the solvent can normally hold at that temperature

6.        a) 30 grams   B) supersaturated   c) 35 grams

7.        a) The crystal will dissolve in the solution.   b) The crystal will stay undissolved at the bottom of the solution  C) Solid crystals will form and settle to the bottom of the solution

8.  1.5 x 35g = 52.5%

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