Sunday, July 14, 2013

HW #4

2SBS #9-22 p.151

9. Active metals are more reactive than less active metals. Active metals tend to combine with other elements, forming compounds. Less active metals usually remain separate.

10. Silver has a great lack of reactivity, so it would be easiest to process.

11. Most metals exist in nature as minerals rather than as pure metallic elements because  most metals are more reactive than metals such as silver, gold and platinum because they tend to combine with other elements, forming compounds or minerals.

12. A calcium metal with chromium (III) chloride reaction would be more likely to occur because calcium metal is more reactive than chromium metal, therefore forming a more likely reaction.

13. Putting the metal zinc into silver solution would more likely cause a reaction because zinc is more reacitve than silver.

14. A. It is a poor idea to stir a solution of lead (II) nitrate with an iron spoon because it will cause a reaction.
      B. Pb^2+(aq) + Fe(s) ---> Pb(s) + Fe^2+(aq)

15. Oxidation is when there is a lose in one or more electrons, causing a cation. Reduction is when there is a gain in one or more electrons, causing a cation to become neutral.

16. (A) Au^3+ + 3e^- ---> Au      (B) V ---> V^4+ + 4e^-      (C) Cu+ ---> Cu^2+ + 1e^-

17. (A) Reduction      (B) Oxidation      (C) Reduction

18. (A) Zn^2 + has been oxidized.       (B) Ni has been reduced.       (C) Zn.

19. (A) K+ has been oxidized.       (B) Hg has been reduced.      (C) Hg^2+.

20. (A) Al + Cr^3+ ---> Al^3+ + Cr      (B) Mn^2+ + Mg ---> Mn + Mg^2+

21. (A) Electrometallurgy is the use of an electrical current to supply electrons to metal ions, this reducing them.       (B) Pyrometallurgy is the treatment of metals and their ores with heat (thermal energy), as in a blast furnace.      (C) Hydrometallurgy is the treatment of ores and other metal-containing materials with reactants in water solution. It is used to recover silver and gold from old mine tailings by a leaching process.

22. (A) Electrometallurgy     (B) Pyrometallurgy

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