Wednesday, July 10, 2013

HW #3

2SAS #26-28, 29-34

26. Metallic elements are most likely to loose electrons because they form cations.

27. They are unreactive and chemically inert because n
oble gas elements rarely loose or gain electrons,

28. (a) Na: cation    (b) Ca: cation    (c) F: anion    (d) Cu: cation    (e) O: anion    (f) Li: cation    (g) Sn: cation    (h) I: anion
29. Copper metal and copper (II) ions are more similar chemically than oxygen with a mass number 16 and oxygen with a mass number 18. The difference between the copper metal and ions is only the amount of electrons lost; however, the newly formed oxygen is a clear example of an isotope, a bigger difference.

30.  205pm

31. (a) change in color:
         - chemical cause: rusting
         - physical cause: painting
      (b) change in temperature:
         - chemical cause: combustion
         -physical cause: freezing or boiling a substance
      (c) formation of a gas:
          -chemical cause: reaction with HCl and Cu
          - physical cause: water will become a gas when it it boiled

32.   (a) Bromine (Br)   (b) Silicon (Si)

33. Mendeleev atomic weight and the similarities in chemical and physical properties to organize the periodic table. We did something similar with the Snake River data, we had to analyze properties of dissolved substances and compare their mass to see what could have dissolved in a specific type of water.

34. To make it ordered by atomic weight put argon (atomic weight 39.95) after potassium (atomic weigh 39.10), and put cobalt (atomic weight 58. 93) after nickel (atomic weight 58.96).

2SAS #1-8

1. Two resources found:
     -Atmosphere: nitrogen, oxygen, neon, and argon
     -Hydrosphere: water and some dissolved minerals
     -Lithosphere: petroleum and metal-bearing ores

2. (a) Three major parts of lithosphere:
       - Crust: is hard soil and rock with much of earth's minerals
       - Mantle: is the middle of the lithosphere
       - Core: is the center of earth that is very hot
    (b) The crust serves as the main storehouse of chemical resources used in manufacturing consumer products.

3. (a) Silver: Mexico    (b) Copper: Japan    (c) Tin: China

4. China produces the largest masses of the these 8 listed resources.

5. Minerals differ from ores because minerals are naturally occurring solid compounds containing the element or group of elements of interest. Ores are naturally occurring rocks or minerals that can be mined and are profitable to extract a metal.

6. A factor that can determine the possibility of mining a particular metallic ore at a certain cite is the percent of metal in the ore, the type of mining/processing used to extract the metal from the ore, and the environmental impact of the mining/metal processing.

7. A 19th century gold mine that was inactive for 100 years and it recently reopened for mining probably because more gold was created, which triggers a high demand of gold.

8. "Useful ore" means the quantity of the mined mineral.

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